The meticulously rendered graphite abstractions of Christine Weir assume a distanced, bird's-eye view of the landscape, offering images for meditation on humanity's place on Earth and in the universe.
The landscapes of interdisciplinary artist and activist Patrick Hebert reconsider the ontology of the photograph and persistent myths underpinning Western cultural conceptions of the natural world.
Artist Devra Freelander creates sculptures that exist at the intersection of geology and technology, merging the sublimity of threatened polar landscapes with the palette of digital environments.
Media artist Katherine Bennett encodes darkened exhibition spaces with networked systems which respond to the presence of the inhabitant.
Artist Tra Bouscaren's immersive, waste-filled sculptural environments implicate the viewer in an economy of rampant production, consumption, and destruction.
The meticulously rendered graphite abstractions of Christine Weir assume a distanced, bird's-eye view of the landscape, offering images for meditation on humanity's place on Earth and in the universe.
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