Frequently Asked Questions
What is Peripheral Vision Press and how can it benefit my creative practice?
Peripheral Vision Press is an independent publishing and curatorial platform administered by artists and art historians, showcasing work by American artists at all career stages. We pair professional contemporary visual artists with a critic in their discipline for the publication of an academically rigorous essay, interview, or print exhibition. Content is promoted through our free email newsletter and over social media. Peripheral Vision Publication Fellows benefit from becoming part of an exclusive network of visionary professional US artists, critics, and curators. Not Yet Titled (NYT) featured artists, curated by invitation only and in coordination with gallery representatives, will receive the serious critical writing their work deserves.
What is an Artist Publication Fellowship?
Why wait for a critic to attend your next exhibition, or apply to print publications which lack substantive content and are targeted to popular audiences? Peripheral Vision Press is run by professional art historians who enjoy collaborating with living artists and writing for a specialized academic readership. Our Publication Fellowship program allows artists to assert some measure of control over the timing and content of publications. We can write about a new series, or we can focus on past work you feel deserves in-depth analysis. All fellows collaborate directly with Publisher and Founding Editor Scott Gleeson and an assigned critic. Our critics hold terminal degrees from the finest art history and studio programs in the world.
Do you charge a fee to submit?
Scholarly manuscript submissions and article proposals for Not Yet Titled (NYT) are free. Artists must pay a fee to apply for a Peripheral Vision Publication Fellowship, but will now receive a free copy of the current journal issue with payment. Submitting art for #FollowerFriday on Instagram is completely free.
How do I know if I am a competitive Publication Fellowship candidate?
The best way to determine if you are a good fit for our Artist Publication Fellowship program is to visit the Peripheral Vision journal page and browse Fellow Profiles to read artist statements and biographies. As long as you live and work in the US, are committed to professional fine art practice, and have good images of your work, by all means, apply!
What do you publish, exactly?
Essays + Interviews: Averaging 300-3000 words. Fellows work directly with a critic. Similar functionality to a magazine or blog page - may be easily share on social media with beautifully illustrated summary tiles.
Exhibition Essays: For our Salon and Solo Exhibitions critics draft introductory texts of 1200-1500 words highlighting dominant themes and situating the work within relevant art historical and cultural contexts.
Profile Pages: Contains an Image Gallery, embedded Video, Biography, Statement, Links, full SEO with unique URL. Adored by search engines! All Article Publication Fellows receive a Profile page on the website.
Photo Essays: Great for artist's whose work speaks for itself, this format allows fellows to publish 4-6 works with a list of illustration in our new print journals.
How can I make my application the best it can be?
Firstly, high quality images go a long way in communicating your message and professionalism, and are required for publication. For 2D works, consider submitting an installation shot or details of tacking edges or paint textures to showcase your technical abilities and let us know how your art activates surrounding space. All application images should be well-focused, color corrected jpegs set to 300 dpi in RGB and between 1500 - 2500 pixels. For paintings, we recommended cropping images to show the tacking edge plus 3-4 inches of surrounding wall space. Secondly, make sure your statement clearly communicates your perspective as a creator, and that ideas discussed relate to the visual experience of your art. Finally, maximize your competitiveness by drafting statements and bios that take advantage of the full word counts. As an academic publication, we are more likely to award fellowships to artists with a passion for words, language, and ideas.
My credit card transaction failed. What should I do?
These things happen. Simply email Scott Gleeson at editor (at) peripheralvisionarts (dot) org and complete Step 2 of the application process. Failures usually occur due to over zealous bank fraud protection, thus may require a call to your credit card service.
I am a Publication Fellow. May I republish my article on my personal website or use it as a catalog essay?
No, Peripheral Vision Press owns the copyright for written texts and they may not be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor and payment of the applicable copyright fee. We recommend listing the article title and author name on your website with a link to your Peripheral Vision article or Profile page. Artists retain copyright of all images.
How do I cite my Publication Fellowship and Article on my academic CV?
Article citations should include the Critic Name; Title; Peripheral Vision, no. # (Year). Article URL. PLEASE BE SURE TO ADD A HOT LINK BACK TO OUR SITE IF YOU REFERENCE THE PUBLICATION ONLINE.
Fellowships may be listed as Article Publication Fellowship + Year + Peripheral Vision, Dallas, TX