Our forthcoming essay, "From Industry to Generativity," by Founding Editor Scott Gleeson, will examine the work of Texas artists articulating their relationships to labor and leisure in post-industrial society. Image courtesy of Vincent Falsetta and Conduit Gallery. Photographer: Kevin Todora
Peripheral Vision Press invites American scholars in all visual art disciplines to submit manuscripts + article proposals for our newest publication initiative, Not Yet Titled (NYT), a biannual print publication and accompanying blog covering the vanguard of contemporary American art. Preference will be given to scholarship of work by artists under represented in critical literature.
How to Submit
ARTICLES: Scholars may email manuscripts or complete the Article Proposal form once per academic year per article (September - May). Please be sure to provide detailed information about image permissions and copyright. We are seeking articles addressing all topics in art, theory, and curatorial practice ranging in length from 300-8000 words. Long-form manuscripts will be juried by anonymous peer-reviewers.
EXHIBITION REVIEWS: Critics are invited to submit reviews covering exhibitions in college and university galleries, as well as small non-profit galleries and project spaces.
After completing the form, email an academic CV and any completed manuscripts to Scott Gleeson at submissions (at) peripheralvisionarts (dot) org. All authors will be notified within 2 weeks regarding the status of their proposals.
Editorial Review
Preference will be given to artists and scholars making significant contributions to the practice, theory, and history of contemporary art, and who demonstrate a career commitment to art practice through a combination of educational and professional experience.